Engaged? Here’s All the Bridal Skincare Tips You Need to Know!

So, he has finally put a ring on it and you are now officially engaged - Congratulations! However, let’s quickly wrap up our felicitations and instead focus on one of the most important aspects of the wedding - bridal skincare! We don’t want you to fret over pimples or whiteheads on the day when you should solely be thinking about dancing the night away with your groom!
Wedding skincare is not a matter that should be taken lightly, as every bride yearns for clearer glowing skin on her wedding day. If you are as obsessed about bright and glowing skin as us, we suggest you start a healthy bridal skincare regimen right now! Whether you have months or days left towards your big day, we have some great bridal beauty tips that are proven to give great results even for our last moment brides!
So, let’s dig in for some tried and tested bridal tips and hacks that will leave you with glass like skin till your wedding day finally arrives!
Bridal Skincare: Bridal Tips, Products & More!
Penny and Pine was actually created by a company that has been associated with the wedding industry for 40+ years now! With this diverse experience in weddings, we can easily let you in on some great bridal beauty tips that will help our brides in getting their skin ready for the big day!
Bridal Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin
Wedding skincare is a vast category, but we have limited our bridal beauty tips to the best ones only that will give you proven results in the shortest time possible! This way you won’t feel anxious or overly burdened.
Tip #1: Follow a great bridal skin care routine as early as possible
The first and the most important tip is to adopt a great wedding skincare routine as early as possible. The earlier you start, the better your skin will be when the big day arrives! There are quite a few skincare ingredients out there, but it’s important to nail down the best ones for your skin type as early as possible and follow them religiously. Check out this great link for a detailed guide about the best skincare routine for your skintype and how you can follow it consistently for great results. Experiment with a particular skincare routine for at least three months to see if it works for you.
Tip #2: Use healthy skincare products
Choose your bridal skin care products wisely and read the labels before trying out all the exotic products you hear raving reviews about. This is because there are some really bad skin ingredients out there that can truly harm your skin, and you wouldn’t want to mess up your skin right before your wedding. At Penny and Pine, we pride ourselves in our healthy skincare products that not only take care of our beloved consumer’s concerns as well as prevent them from occurring again.
Tip #3: Drink lots of water
This one is the oldest trick in the book! Treat your body well by providing it with plenty of water and it will reward you with an envious, glowing complexion soon! Make sure to consume at least 2 liters of water every day.
Tip #4: Use sunscreen DAILY
For brides living or roaming around in sunny weather conditions, we can’t stress this enough - keep your sunscreen with you and apply it liberally! Your skin needs to remain protected from the harmful UV radiations, as these can cause irreversible damage to your skin. Shield your skin against all damages with our amazing intense moisture cream that offers high spf and makes your skin glow from within!
Tip #5: Clean up your diet
You need to focus on your dietary habits and let go of any bad eating habits because they do have a drastic effect on your skin. Push yourself towards foods that will give you a glowing complexion like vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, yellow bell peppers, cucumbers and spinach amongst others. They help your body gain the essential vitamins and antioxidants that prevent free radicals and keep the skin taut and damage-free.
Tip #6: Exercise regularly
If you want to keep your pores clean and clear, you need to develop a great workout routine. Exercise regularly and you will see the beneficial impact it has on both your skin and fitness level.
Tip #7: Moisturize daily and often
Do you know that your body can’t replenish its own moisture supply? That is why we need to moisturize daily and often. Moisturizing regularly will not only keep your body’s needs for moisture in check, but will also protect your skin from any damage caused by the harmful environmental factors
Tip #8: Cut down on alcohol
We understand that you want to enjoy the last few wild and carefree days binge drinking but it is better to skip! Excessive drinking will dehydrate you, leading to a duller and more gloomy complexion that every bride dreads!
Tip #9: Use facial oils and masks regularly
Not only are facial oils and masks an important component of bridal skin care products, but they are the most fun to apply and enjoy with your favorite movie or music. Find some great tips on facial oils and great homemade masks here.
Tip #10: Don’t forget the eye cream
Yes, it is finally time to invest in a great eye cream to get a smooth, radiant and wrinkle-free under eye area. Using eye cream regularly will help brighten up those tired eyes for your big day!
Skincare Tips for Brides Only a Few Months before Marriage
Even though it is advisable to start with a skincare routine immediately after getting engaged, due to a hectic routine or lack of awareness, it is common to see many brides putting it off to the very last moment. If you have been delaying getting your skin prepped up for your wedding, don’t worry because we have some great hacks up our sleeves that can help you even a month before your wedding in getting your skin under control!
Tip #1: Drink lots of water daily
One of the most powerful beauty tips for the bride to be is to increase her water intake! Drinking lots of water helps in flushing out the pores faster whilst keeping the skin hydrated. Install an app for reminders to keep track of your water intake.
Tip #2: Head to the dermatologist
Since you have a few months or days left, it is extremely important to visit a dermatologist. They will carefully examine your skin and give you tips on how to best manage your skin before your wedding.
Tip #3: Get a great facial
If you are in search for a quick fix that brings about instant results, you need to visit a great beauty salon for some revitalizing facials. They will tone and relax your skin, adding an instant glow. Plus, they will help your skincare products absorb better into the skin, as they unclog your pores.
Tip #4: Eat right
It is now time to let go of all the oily and fatty foods that might cause your skin to breakout before your wedding. One of our most remarkable tips for brides to be is to cut down toxic foods from their diet, so they can finally get that perfect skin they have always dreamt of.
Tip #5: Head to a spa and hop in the sauna
Discover the miraculous effects of heading to a spa and hopping into a sauna days before your wedding. These are designed to flush out your pores and have a calming influence on your skin. Don’t forget to wash your face before visiting a sauna so that your pores remain unclogged!
Tip #6: Avoid exfoliating too often or using spot treatments that are very drying
We all have heard that exfoliating helps in unclogging pores and removing dead skin but being obsessed with it and overdoing it can cause more harm than good, as it will remove the natural oils present on the surface of your skin. Similarly, tackling breakouts with heavy spot treatments could cause dry spots that won’t look good in your wedding pictures. Don’t scrub your dry patches too much, as it could irritate them and cause your skin to flare up!
Tip #7: Use healthy products
Skin care products with chemicals and harsh ingredients can upset your skin. So read the labels and acquaint yourself with the ingredients, in order to avoid any last minute skin complications.
Tip #8: Don’t introduce new skincare products 1-2 weeks before the wedding
Your skin needs time to settle down with new skincare products, so avoid introducing any new products a few weeks before the wedding, as these can cause major breakouts.
Bridal Skincare Products You Need to Buy Now
At Penny and Pine, we have a variety of different bridal skin care products for all our brides, as we understand their distinct needs and skin complications. Our collection of healthy and clean skincare products, that were created with our beloved brides in mind, are easy to use and provide quick and effective results! Here are some of our most popular products that brides love:
Transformation Oil
Apply a few drops of our transformation oil for an instant brightening effect and for repairing damaged skin. The proteins and anti-oxidants present in this miraculous oil will nourish and hydrate your skin, boosting its radiance and glow!
Lash Growth Serum
Dazzle on your wedding day with ultra-thick lashes with our Lash growth serum. Apply this serum on the base of the clean lash line and see your sparse eyelashes getting voluminous in no time!
20-Minute Rescue Mask
Facing the problems of unclogged pores, blemishes, and a dull complexion? Here’s the deal: Try our 20-minute rescue mask! As the name suggests, it really does work fast for all your major skin issues with a great combination of zinc and sulfur to repair your skin’s natural barrier.
Moisture Boost Cream
Are you afraid of your skin appearing dehydrated and wrinkly on your special day? Not anymore! With the application of our moisture boost cream twice a day, you will notice your skin getting plumper and almost wrinkle free due to the presence of hyaluronic acid.
Detox Brightening Cleanser
If you have been looking for a gentle yet effective cleanser, the Detox Brightening cleanser is perfect for you! It will keep your pores clean by removing all the gunk, dirt, dust, or makeup with the help of its potent coconut and sunflower oils. This powerful cleanser will prevent any future breakouts or blemishes, making it perfect for the brides to be!
Restorative Eye Cream
Your busy schedule may lead you towards staying up late at night and therefore, it is crucial to use a good restorative eye cream before your wedding. This will help in reducing dark circles, puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area.
So go ahead and try these amazing tips and see the miraculous effect a good bridal skincare routine can have on your skin! What are some of your holy-grail bridal skincare tips you swear by? Share with us in the comments below!
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