Why You Should Recycle: The Benefits of Recycling

Why You Should Recycle: The Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is one of the best ways for you to impact the world. It’s a small act. But when you think about it, the consequences of consistent, mindful deeds can go a long way.

The benefits of recycling are enormous! Recycling helps reduce pollution caused by waste, reduces the need for raw materials (less deforestation), and decreases the need for energy (therefore preserving natural resources).

At Penny & Pine, we’re big on skin care and what goes on your skin.  But more than that, we have so much respect for the earth and everything that lives in it.  We never test on animals.  And whenever possible, we use only natural & organic ingredients. In line with our philosophy as a sustainable company, one of our biggest campaigns is the use of recyclable packaging.

This article is about what you can do to help the environment.  Here are the major benefits of recycling.

The Benefits of Recycling

Recycling doesn’t require huge or costly efforts. All it takes is a small act, done consistently on a daily basis. We’ve listed down the easiest ways to recycle, including tips on how to recycle a lot of items that you have at home!

Join Penny & Pine’s campaign for a sustainable environment with these easy tips!

Benefit #1: Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills

It's amazing how our trash cans are filled to the brim in a few days. Now imagine how our landfills must be like! Most of the trash is actually potentially reusable stuff. Landfills pollute the soil and water by leaking toxic liquids.  As if that were not enough, it also releases methane, as well as other greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere. With a recycling effort, we reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and diminish pollution significantly, as well.

forest and mountains | The Benefits of Recycling

Benefit #2: Recycling conserves natural resources

Our natural resources are not infinite. Some are in dangerously short supply.  One of the major benefits of recycling is that when we recycle plastic, we decrease the demand for new plastic – definitely a must since this would translate to using less fossil fuel hydrocarbons. When we recycle glass, we decrease the need for raw materials. Recycling metals means less need for extracting new metal ore and therefore less mining damage. Last but not least, recycling paper and wood saves our forests. While we can plant new ones, nothing can replace virgin forests and ancient woodlands.

Benefit #3: Recycling saves energy

Products from recycled materials require less energy to make.  It’s a significant difference in energy consumption. For instance, making paper from pulped recycled paper uses 40 percent less energy compared to that of virgin wood.  When you recycle a bottle made from glass, you actually save enough power to light an old hundred-watt light bulb for four hours.

girl holding plant | The Benefits of Recycling

Benefit #4: Recycling creates jobs and supports manufacturing

Jobs! One of the major benefits of recycling at least 70% of waste could create 50 thousand jobs (at the very least) by 2025.  That’s 20 thousand jobs in supply chains and 30 thousand jobs in recycling.

Benefit #5: Recycling protects wildlife and ecosystems

When we recycle, we automatically reduce the demand to grow, harvest, or extract new raw materials from the earth. This would entail less damage being done to both renewable and non-renewable sources. (decreased deforestation, fewer diverted rivers, fewer animals harmed, less air, water, and soil pollution).

coral reef | Benefits of Recycling

Benefit #6: Recycling is cheaper than waste

This is a practical benefit of recycling that everyone can get behind. The more we recycle or the less we put in the trash bin, the more money we save.  It is at least five times cheaper to dispose of recycled waste than to dispose ofgeneral garbage.

How to Recycle

There are lots of ways to recycle! Check out some of the best and easiest ways to do in your daily life! 

Way #1: Use your local recycling company

Check your area for local recycling companies.  See what they can and cannot recycle.  At home, get into the habit of segregating recyclables and waste.

pile of bottle caps | The Benefits of Recycling

Way #2: Reuse wrapping paper and gift bags

25% of municipal solid waste generated on an annual basis is paper.  Recoveredpaper could be made into new paper products.  Not sure what to do with gift wrappers?  Find types that could be recycled or ones that are made from recyclable materials.  Consider ditching wrapping altogether by using decorative boxes that don’t require fancy wraps.  Gift wrappers aren’t recyclable because of the shiny, laminated coating.  But do check with your local recycling company for ways to dispose of these types of paper.

Way #3: Recycle your batteries

Batteries have to be disposed of meticulously.  Be on the lookout for community collection events or in-store recycling bins to dispose of your batteries.

recycling plastic | The Benefits of Recycling

Way #4: Recycle all the plastic you can

In the United States alone, almost 35 million tons of plastic were generated in 2015.  Only 9% of that was recycled in the same year.  Not all types of plastics are recyclable.   While manufacturers lean towards highly recyclable plastic, a number of household items still don’t come in recyclable ones.  Do a little extra by finding which ones come in recyclable plastic.

Way #5: Recycle glass

Glass is highly recyclable. Making new glass from recycled glass is more cost effective compared to using raw materials. Check with your local recycling company for retrieval or recycling programs. Majority of recycling programs accept different types of glass. 

glass bottles | The Benefits of Recycling

Way #6: Recycle motor oils

Just what do you do with used motor oil?  For one, never throw it down the drain!  Used oil can contaminate 1 million gallons of fresh water!  By recycling used oil, not only do you help keep water supply clean,you also reduce dependence on foreign oil.  It takes about 42 gallons of crude oil to produce 2 1/2 quarts of motor oil.  But only 1 gallon of used oil to make the same amount.   Please check garages and auto-supply stores. Many now accept oil for recycling.

Way #7: Recycle HHW (paints, cleaners, etc.)

HHWs or household hazardous waste such as paints, cleaners, pesticides, batteries, andoils require special care when disposing of them. These substances are not only dangerous for the environment, theypose danger to people as well.  Never pour down the drain or throw out with regular trash. Instead, you may:

  • Reduce your purchases and find alternative non-hazardous products; OR
  •  Find collection programs in your community. 

Way #8: Recycle your tires and get money for it!

Tires that are left in piles are breeding grounds for disease-carrying pests such as rodents.  Tire piles are also firehazards.  Most garages now accept used tires for recycling when you have new ones installed. Check out your tire retailer or your local recycling facilities for used tire retrieval.

pile of tires | The Benefits of Recycling

Way #9: Find ways to reuse whatever you can from cereal boxes to old clothes! 

Cosmetics and food items are legendary when it comes to packaging.  Unfortunately, these same products make it easy to accumulate brica brac. Here’s how to repurpose these items:

  • Donate to charity. Clothes that haven’t been worn in a year (or two) are least likely to be worn again;
  • Penny & Pine’s cosmetics packaging are made of recyclable material. Click here for ways to repurpose cosmetic containers. If the containers that your beauty products came in aren’t recyclable, turn them into travel-sized containers or domestic containers for DIY skin care concoctions;
  • Repurpose cereal boxes by cutting across and using them as filing boxes;
  • Keep pills and medication in old lipstick containers.  Scrape your lipstick tube clean and pop your meds in. It’s a great substitute for bulky pillboxes!

powder makeup | The Benefits of Recycling

Indeed, saving the world isn’t such a challenge! 


We love to save the planet and we’ve got our eyes peeled for new ways to further our cause.  Got any tips and tricks? We’d love to hear from you!


  • Dennis Sanchez

    I’m glad you explained that it is important to never pour oil down drains because it can cause harm to the environment. I’ve developed a hobby of working on cars because my dad let me help him work on our cars when I was a kid. Recently, I’ve been considering purchasing a car to have a project to work on, and one of the things I would need to do is change the oil. If I do get the car, I’ll be sure to dispose of the oil properly. https://www.wrenoil.com.au/services.html

  • Liz Hudson

    I’m glad that you pointed out that recycling conserves natural resources as well as saves energy from manufacturing. Previously when I thought about recycling, reducing plastic waste in the oceans is the main factor that comes to mind. It’s even more of a motivation to recycle knowing that it also cuts down on mining and deforestation. https://www.ironandmetals.com/drop-off-recycling/

  • Chris

    Make sure to check out your local government’s page to learn how to use your recycling program to the fullest! Many have free (yes, free!) ways to easily compost, recycling weird stuff, and all sorts of other things. A minute or two doing some research can significantly cut down on your trash!

  • Lauren Calvert

    Recycling is such an amazing thing for this world, but it still takes a lot of energy to do so! Remember, if we could also reduce the products we use and invest in reusable items, it will help keep our big home much happier!

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